Games Lending A Helping Hand

While most people believe video games do nothing but promote violence and laziness, there are somethings you might not know about.

Being apart of the Phoenix Overdrive Banner, and friends with the founders for a few years, has given me insight into just how much video games can do for everyday people in our communities. PON has pledged every years, since I’ve known them anyway, to backing charity events and local conventions to spread joy in not just gaming but in most things life.

Every year they host a gaming event being partnered with the charity group Extra Life on their Game Day (This year it’s Nov. 3), and they play games to raise money for a full 24 hours. That’s right playing games, and having people sponsor the time spent, they earn large amounts of money that get donated to local children’s hospitals. It always puts a smile on my face, knowing that local children who are in desperate need of help can get it just by reaching out, playing games.

Last year alone, Phoenix Overdrive Extra Life raised $2690 for their local children. Sometimes, I don’t know how they do it. There are even individual members who have earned their own large amounts to help the kiddos out. It’s staggering and impressive to read and see some of their exploits just for the benefit of others and it all comes together with video games and the need to keep kids smiling, even through all the hard times they face.

So, as most years, I wanted to throw my hat in the ring, try to step up and shoot for helping out my local children’s hospital (Cooks Children). Not only have my kids been helped their with all their illnesses but they also helped me when I was young. The desire to help those who help you comes from deep within, and I’ve had the urge to help out those in need around me for years. I may not be Phoenix Overdrive levels of awesome, but I can certainly spread the word. Maybe get someone to start their own team, or maybe help someone in a much better position in life, look on those who aren’t and maybe help by donating or sponsoring an event.

The possibilities are endless on how much one group, or one person, can change the world around them. That’s my goal in life is to leave it better than how I can into it. Sure somethings are out of my controls, but this just so happens to be one of the things I can control. And the guys at Phoenix Overdrive inspire me to be a better version of myself and now that I am writing for/with them, I get the chance to be better by osmosis.

If you would like to know more about what Extra Life does or want to donate to either campaigns, I’ll leave the links to all the pages below the article.

This year, my personal goal is set to $200, and PON is set at $5000 so hopefully we can help reach those goals together this year.

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Sorry for the shortest article ever on a Monday, but my work schedule has been crazy and I haven’t found the right moment to sit down and brainstorm ideas. Hopefully during this week, I’ll have some more ideas but I felt this was the best time to talk a little bit about Extra Life and how much we can help our communities with nothing more than video games and love.

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Gaming is my passion, as is writing. Going back to my writing roots with this blog.

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